Victoria Event Photographer | Esperanza Spalding

June 27, 2013

For me, Esperanza Spalding ( was THE biggest show to see during JazzFest. I have been blown away by her talent for a long time.

As a musician, who photographs a LOT of really talented musicians, I have pretty high standards for musical excellence, and this show inspired me from the inside out. She was very much pouring herself into each song and really grooving with the other exceptional musicians on stage. Her musicality and genuine authenticity was amplified by the solid concept she framed the entire performance with.

It was a conversation between the musicians and the audience. It was a story with a moving narrative and a musical precision that inspires refinement and the pursuit of excellence. After shooting the first three songs I stood in the back of the house and just absorbed all the goodness streaming from the stage. Don’t tell any of the other musicians I cover I said this… but the Esperanza Spalding Radio Music Society show was the absolute musical highlight of my year. Check out her work, and if you can see the show live, DO IT.



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